Monday, July 29, 2013

6 Month Check Up

This is how our six month check up started.

6 month check up


And it didn’t end any better!  My goodness, we made you mad!  I don’t think you got your nap out for starters and then with four shots it just went downhill from there.  I’d cry too if I was learning all these new things, teething, sleepy and four needle sticks in my thighs!  But learning is the name of the game lately.  Wesley, you are trying to hold your bottle, rolling over and scooting, playing with your feet, sitting alone for a short period, babbling (we’ll discuss this later;), and even bearing weight on your little legs.  You are fascinated with your shadow and still love Baby Einstein.  Here are your stats:  Height:  26.75 in (81%), Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz (51.4%), Head Circumference: 16 in (5.78%)…still have a small head but again Dr. Martin says that’s just fine.  

You cried lots after your shots but you were asleep within two minutes of buckling you in the car seat.  You slept and sniffled the whole way home:(

BUT, you are feeling much better now….

happy now

There is the smile I love!  You can have applesauce and bananas tonight if you want!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wesley Kay is 1/2 year old!

And so adorable that we cannot get enough of her!  She is the happiest baby I have ever known and is very social.  She is rolling over and sort of scooting herself across her play blanket.  She sits up supporting herself for a short period of time.  I know before we know it she will be sitting up playing and then shortly after crawling everywhere! She has added sweet potatoes to her diet and for her 1/2 birthday she celebrated with applesauce. She loved it!  She moved to a size three diaper after having a blow out that ended up on me and her bouncy seat.  Luckily nothing was of the sort that couldn’t be washed.  She still sleeps very well and naps very short:)  And takes on average about 30 ounces/day…over 5 bottles.  For her 6 month birthday, Nana gave her a talking and singing puppy dog that makes her laugh!  It’s fun to watch her interact with it.  She still watches Baby Einstein and if you come between her and the TV she might give you a look like, “You make a better door than a window!”  Like I said, we can’t get enough of her.  Enjoy all of her pictures because I couldn’t choose just one to post.






We love you sweet baby!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wesley Kay is 5 months old!

...about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I wish I knew how to back date posts but nonetheless, better late than never! Girl, you turned 5 months old and the very next day decided it was time to roll over! Of course when we're all standing over you, you won't show out but I promise you are a roll over machine. And you're eating oatmeal, carrots, squash, green beans and sweet peas. You just love to smile and "talk" with a mouthful. You've even mastered blowing your vegetable of choice all over Mommy! We are having sooo much fun it's very hard for me to go to work, however, Daddy still sends me a video or picture of you every morning that I'm away from you. Isn't he the best?!?! We love you!!
