Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wesley Kay is 10 months old!!!

Only one more of these until you are one year old!  Pick me up off the floor now!  I cannot believe you will be one soon….

Let’s talk about what’s going on now.  You are still a great sleeper, sleeping about 10 hours per night.  Naps are still inconsistent but you have two of them now and go down for them pretty easy. You take four bottles per day with about 28 total ounces.  You eat your baby food well but fuss a lot to feed yourself.  Such a big girl!  You wave bye bye and hi.  And it’s so funny for me and Mrs. Shirley when you start to wave bye bye as soon as I pick you up when I get to her house.  You love to read and especially love My Little Pumpkin that Riley and Harper gave you for Halloween.  It has a “peek a boo” storyline.  You also still love all the Baby Einstein movies.  And you are still not doing the traditional crawl but seem just happy doing the army crawl all over.  You are working on pulling up and are very good at pulling up on everything to your knees.  Still love your sweet potatoes and bananas!  You bring us joy every single day and we do not know what we did before you came along.  Nothing as worthwhile as this!  We love you very much and cannot wait to see your happy face at Christmastime!

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